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Welcome to the first episode of the Get Stoked Podcast where I, Crystal Stokes, will be having intuitive conversations with leaders about the challenges they face and what they learn from them. Today I am chatting with Sharon Sperry, a coach, trainer, facilitator, and founder of Better Nature of Work. Sharon shares her perspective on when being led well, she has felt this happens to take place in a co-leadership role. Sharon always felt at her best as a “guide on the side”, when you’re recognized and invited into strategic planning the leadership and support partnership is more sustainable. Have you ever had a leader that has an idea of the truth, and it’s their way or the highway? Sharon shares that leaders who hold all the strings when it comes to organization, management, and strategy tend to lose their “followers” as opposed to those who allow their team to lead within their role alongside them. Leadership is often perceived as a role in which there is one person at the forefront taking charge and calling the shots. Coactive Leadership, is a leadership style Sharon is trained in that debunks this myth and brings in the 5 dimensions: Leadership Within, Leading from the Front, Leading from the Side, Leading from Behind, and Leading from the Field. She describes the importance of all these roles and the importance of them working together. Working in leadership roles or as a part of a team does not have to be rigid and formulated, in fact it should be the opposite. Sharon’s work allows her clients to find their natural leadership styles that best suit their team, work environment, and life. So much of how we show up at work is a big part of our lives and it should feel natural and bring you joy. “B N O W” is the acronym for Sharon’s company, Better Nature of Work, a sentiment that reminds her to be here, be now, and represents the way she shows up in her work and life. She and I have millions of synchronicities in leadership and life which makes for a really great conversation. You can find out more about Sharon Sperry and Better Nature of Work via her business website, LinkedIn, or social media.

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What’s Inside

  • What does it mean to be “led well”?
  • Leadership Style: Guide on the Side.
  • What are the 5 dimensions of leadership?
  • How to find your natural leadership style?
  • What “B NOW” means for Better Nature of Work.

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#073: Realigning Your Team with Meghan Bingham

#073: Realigning Your Team with Meghan Bingham

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#071: Money Conversations with Rachel and Suzanne

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